Justin Poh
Justin Poh is a PhD candidate in MIT’s Aero/Astro department whose academic interests lie at the intersection of System Safety and Systems Engineering. He holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Olin College of Engineering and an M.S. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT. Throughout his career in industry and academia, he has developed system architectures for a variety of automotive, aviation and aerospace systems. Prior to MIT, Justin spent four years developing system architectures for several generations of self-driving vehicles with a major automotive company where the safety of the system was just as important as the functionality it delivered. He was also heavily involved in the development and management of requirements for a variety of vehicle subsystems and components. At MIT, Justin’s current research is focused on developing new methods for system architecture development and applying them to design new types of complex systems that are needed in the aviation industry.
- Email: jpoh@mit.edu
- URL: http://www.justinpoh.com